Mathematics Degree Programs & Courses

Math skills serve as the basis for a huge range of scientific and technical degrees. Straight-up degrees in Math, however, may serve to lead graduates into just as varied a pool of careers, including academics where the need for highly qualified math teachers is intense.

If you’ve read the first part of this guide, you no doubt understand the cost factor inherent in a college degree. My articles on scholarships, however, underscore the free money available to students who major in math or the sciences. Math students must pursue the degrees for more than the wealth of scholarship money; their skills must be top-notch.

Associates Degree

Associates of Arts or Associates of Science in Math degrees typically prepare two-year students for a four-year program. Students that pursue an AS degree incorporate more science courses into the degree. Core curriculum in a two-year Math degree includes: Calculus I and II, Discrete Mathematics and even a computer language. Students may use the degrees to transfer to a physical science, computer, or Bachelors in math program.

The Associates in Applied Math is suited to students more focused on computer mathematics, including programming and machine language.

Bachelors Degree

Math majors in a four-year degree are required to complete undergraduate credits in a cross-section of disciplines, such as English, science, social science and physical fitness. Basic math requirements include: calculus, algebra, and probability. Further courses that define the math major include: logic, software design, geometry, discrete math, and analytical principles. Select programs might provide for further specialization:

Masters Degree

Masters degrees in Math often take one of three directions: straight or pure math, applied math, or math for teaching. The difference is physical versus theoretical.

Doctoral Degree

The Ph.D. is the consummate academic achievement. Candidates’ primary goals are the final dissertation that supports ideally startling new research. During the initial two years, though, candidates must absorb even more advanced math curricula, including regular exams to assess progress with the material. Other degree duties may include teaching assistantships. In most cases Ph.D.s enter the field of academics or go to work in high-level research positions.

Career Options

Math is an expansive discipline that corrals many theories and ultimately trains students to think in a uniquely analytical manner. This skill, in and of itself, is reason enough to support the fact that math majors are suited to so many career tracks. Jobs in math may focus on research, teaching, high-level academics, statistics, computer engineering, and business applications.